Certified Processworker, Registered Somatic Movement Practitioner, and Social Presencing Theater Teacher

Annie Blair,  Dipl PW, RSME



Processwork is an awareness practice that helps us follow the flow of signals, or “processes,” that come through our bodies, dreams, environments, and relationships. We unfold these experiences to discover inherent wisdom that can show a new way forward, bring a sense of relief, reveal insight, and/or enhance creative expression. Processwork values all experiences, even the difficult and marginalized ones.

Processwork brings attention to three levels of reality: the objective rational level of facts; the non-measurable subjective level of feelings, dreams, and mystery; and the deepest inexpressible level of interconnection, oneness or essence. By noticing and following signals from all of these levels, we embrace more deeply the diversity and richness of who we are. 

Dr. Arnold Mindell, together with Dr. Amy Mindell and colleagues, originally developed Processwork in the 1970s. It has continued to evolve into an awareness practice used in working with individuals, relationships, teams, and groups. The Mindell’s website is: aamindell.net .

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